Sunday, 22 January 2017

Who Are You?

This week has been absolutely packed to say the least.

For starters, the IS2 class got to send off their DNA samples to be tested. Big stuff! Through doing this, we're hoping to break stereotypes and discover what it really means to be "Finnish". It's not everyday that you get to address the question of who you are. To be continued...

Elsewhere, in Wednesday's IS1 class we began another topic. This is one concerns "freedom". To begin with we examined human rights. In groups, the class decided which five human rights (from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights) they would establish on a new planet - because you never know when you might find yourself in charge of a civilisation far, far away of course. After also role-playing a court case concerning freedom of speech, they categorised certain situations (such as "killing is wrong") in terms of whether they should apply all the of the time, most of the time, some of the time, or never. This garnered some seriously interesting conversation.

Beyond this, Merenjoan koulu experienced its own tea party on Friday. We had roughly 100 brownies on offer as well as some jam cake (these naturally disappeared within about five minutes). The students also tried their hand at some croquet and bowling with some very impressive results.

The only not-so-great part of the past couple of weeks was that I experienced my first slip on Finnish ice. If I'm honest though, I was sadder about dropping my sandwich than landing on my back. So, I guess, here's to a week of not slipping (hopefully)...

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