Firstly, let's recap some International Studies 1 (IS1) antics. Last week, our class focused upon Donald Trump's first few months as President. We examined the various executive orders that he's signed as well as another big topic surrounding the Republican Party in particular: "alternative facts" (which are considered to be lies and/or alternative opinions).
In order to explore the idea of "alternative facts" we played a funny game. The students had to split into teams and select a card with a random word or phrase on it in order to create "alternative facts" to support the statements that I gave them. For example when I stated that Finland should ban coffee, one team claimed that it must happen otherwise Professor Snape would be very angry...
Of course, the lesson was not all fun and games as we turned our attention toward other more pressing matters such as the recent events in Syria. We watched news clips on the Khan Sheikhoun attack from this month, the Trump administration's response, and the possible implications of these events.
Divided opinions, split nations and international friction have been common themes throughout many of our lessons. They were key themes this week too as we explored Theresa May's announcement of a British general election, further deteriorating relations between the US and North Korea, as well as the recent referendum in Turkey.
We noted that there are indeed a lot of drastic changes taking place in today's world.
Beyond our classes, the students are set to do even more travelling. Some students from the IS1 class are preparing to go to Iceland at the end of the month. Of course, the IS2 class is getting ready to leave for Ireland tomorrow!

- Chloe