In a bid to raise more money, the class organised a children's event last Friday. What was in this children's event, I hear you ask? Well, we had a trampoline, a mini cafe, face painting, a floorball court, a book reading area, an arts and crafts section (where you could make cute bunny ears), an international quiz aaaaaand a ghost tour.

Let me tell you, I think I was more scared than the children when I decided to venture down the dark ghost tour corridor...

All of the children left the event with smiles (as well as various paintings) on their faces and the students raised a lot of well-earned money. It was a win-win. However, the IS2 class had plenty more other things to concentrate on. Yesterday, it was time to present their DNA results to the media!!!

This DNA project began last year when the students had their DNA tested in order to try to challenge beliefs about themselves and question what really makes a Finn.
After spitting into a test tube, the wait for the results began. Once they were in, a date was set for the big reveal. Instead of reading the results off a piece of paper (booooring), the students made a performance piece. They each wore a white t-shirt and on the front was a statistic about their DNA. For example, one read "1% Native American." To the tune of John Lennon's "Imagine," when a different country was called out the students would step forward if some of their DNA came from it.

The best bit was saved until last though. In unison, the students turned around and on the back of their t-shirts was the term: "100% human." We wanted a powerful message to be made that even though we may have different DNA, we are all ultimately human beings.
There's plenty more to talk about but we'll save that for another day! For now, goodbye and happy Easter!
- Chloe
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