International Studies Diploma


Students taking part in the Kalajoen Lukio International studies Diploma will be working with Ludocraft and its founder Toni Manninen! 

Ludocraft is based in Oulu and has many connections with the international world through the companies work based on the development of multiplayer games and virtual worlds for PC and smart phone platforms.

This will be a new cooperation between the Lukio and Ludocraft and it will give students an interesting insight into how a local company deals with the internaitonal world!...stay tuned!

Very cool!

If you are interested in working in the International world in the future then take a look at our new International studies Diploma!

The international studies diploma will provide students with a learning environment based on developing language abilities, gaining a deep understanding of international issues, active participation in international projects and expand students horizons and awareness of their place in the international world. 

The methods will be based on active involvement and participation by students with an emphasis on group work and being able to work with an international mindset. Students will have the chance to take part in international funded projects as well as plan their own international trip as part of the diploma activities.

The diploma will be mainly taught in English with an emphasis on students gaining confidence in their language and developing their abilities to work on international topics using English as their primary language. In addition, students will be encouraged to supplement their language skills by having to study either French, German or subsequent tertiary languages to provide a further cultural and international dimension to the diploma and so provide students further insight into international environments.

Therefore the diploma will aim to complement the other international competencies that are currently being taught within the school with the diploma also providing for future growth of additional international content.

Objectives of the study programme:

  • Active communication skills primarily in English with an additional complementary language.
  • Promote social skills in an international environment, grow communicative skills when dealing with other cultures, increased understanding of diversity and broaden horizons.
  • Develop networking skills and learn to cooperate in an international working environment.
  • Project management skills and self regulation related to project work tasks, such as time management, dealing with deadlines, online collaborative learning.
  • Become aware of international world and the students own place within it.
  • Gain experience in the organisation and coordination of international events in addition to taking part in EU funded international project such as Erasmus+, Nordplus.
  • Expand presentation skills in a learning by doing environments using open educational tools in cooperation with international partners.

1.   year
2.   year
3.   year
IS 1
IS 2 + trip to Ireland

International project (one during the first or second year)
International project (one during the first or second year)

Additional language (four courses during three years)
Elective course taught in English (during the first or second year)

5 elective courses:

1 - The Individual and citizenship /Yksilö ja kansalaisuus
2 - Local international community /Paikallinen kansainvälinen yhteisö
3 - Media competence /Medialukutaito
4 - Europe perspectives /Näkökulmia eurooppalaisuuteen
5 - Finland and the world /Suomi ja maailma

Course evaluation:

Online study portfolio - each student will build a blog/website on which they will collaborate with other students and present course work and content.

Connection with local international company/organisation:

Students will be in contact with local company/organisations as part of their studies.

One of the following options:
One course that addresses international topics (teaching language: Finnish)
E.g. Sodat ja konfliktit (yhteiskuntaoppi), Kartografia (maantiede 5), Viestintäkulttuuri, kommunikaatio ja kansainväliset aiheet (äidinkieli)
Advanced English recommended


High level of competence and confidence in the use of languages, specifically in the use of English with additional languages included.

Increased understanding of the international world.

Through active participation in international projects students will have developed their group and team working and social skills with an international focus

Broaden students horizons and increase their cultural tolerance and understanding

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